Can Calla Lilies Grow in a Pond?

Yes, but they will need to be planted in the right type of container. There are two different types of containers that you can plant your calla lily in plastic and clay. Plastic pots are easier because they don’t break or crack as easily as clay pots do.

Clay pots have more character and allow for more drainage if you want to grow water plants around them.

You should use either one with sand at the bottom so that it doesn’t stay wet for too long. It’s also important to remember that your pond needs some sunlight.

You’ll want to place your pot near an open area where there is natural light coming through like a porch or patio door, or you can also use a sunny window.

If your calla lily is planted in plastic or clay, you should keep the water level at about 5 inches.

How to grow calla lily plants submerged in water?

Calla lilies are a plant that can grow in water. There are a few guidelines to follow when trying to grow calla lilies in water. You should plant the calla lily in an aquatic planter at the edge of your pond or stream where the water level does not cover the crown of the plant.

In the summer, you should provide wet soil and full sun to partial shade. Goldfish or Koi should not grow too big for your pond either.

Calla lilies are very easy to grow. They work well in hanging baskets or in ponds. You can also keep them in a small pot on your patio and place the pot into the water every few weeks to give the roots a chance to soak up some moisture, then transfer back onto land if you want it out of the water for a while.

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Are calla lilies toxic to your fish?

Yes, Calla lilies are toxic to fish. Calla lily is just as poisonous for your fish as it would be for you if you ate one. The best way to combat this problem is by planting the calla lily in a hanging basket or an aquascape where there are other plantings around it.

This way, the roots of the calla lily will not be able to expand much in an area where there is no soil.

Remember that it only takes a small piece of your pet’s food to cause them to get sick, so there is no need to let them nibble on and eat your water plants. You should be aware of all the fish plants in your pond to avoid any problems.

Calla lilies are a beautiful plant that most people think of growing on land, but they actually grow well in water too. If you enjoy pond or aquarium gardening and like calla lilies, then planting them in your pool will make for a great addition to your yard.

Can you grow calla lilies in wet soil?

You can, but they will thrive better in a pot of their own. While calla lilies are hardy plants, if you’re planting them directly into the ground or even in containers outside, they’ll likely struggle because their root systems need oxygen to grow. If your soil is really wet and you want to include calla lilies in your landscape, there are a couple of things you can do to help them grow better.

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First, amend the soil with compost or leaf mold when you’re planting them. Calla lily bulbs need to be aerated, loose dirt to thrive; amended soil will provide that environment and also work as fertilizer for the bulbs.

Second, water them only as needed. Even though they’re tropical plants and will do well in wet soil, calla lilies don’t like to be overwatered. Water them deeply enough that the water penetrates the soil to a depth of around 8 inches; then let it soak in before watering again.

Calla lilies are a great addition to the landscape because they’re so eye-catching. They’ll attract attention right away, and you can grow them in pots that can be moved indoors during the winter months if desired.


The calla lily is a delicate flower that blooms from May until October. If you are a pond enthusiast, you might be wondering if calla lilies can grow in a pond. The answer is yes because they need to have the right conditions to survive. Calla lilies do not like harsh sunlight and need plenty of water, so your pond needs to be deep enough for them to get the depth of water they need.

You also need to make sure there is adequate space between your plants so their leaves don’t get too close together or else they will block out light needed by other plants such as algae which could harm your fish population. With these tips in mind, it’s possible for calla lilies to grow in a pond.


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All About Calla Lilies

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