Why Does Pond Water Turn Red?

Why Does Pond Water Turn Red?

Ponds are bodies of water that are smaller than lakes or creeks, but larger than streams. Ponds are often found in forests, marshes, fields, lawns, and other open spaces. They can vary in size from a few feet to over 100 acres. A pond is surrounded by land on all sides and the only way … Read more

Can I Use Aquarium Heater for My Pond?

Can I Use Aquarium Heater for My Pond?

Ponds and aquariums are two different pieces of living space that require different types of heat. Aquariums typically house plants and live animals, which need a heated water temperature of 78 degrees Fahrenheit for healthy growth and survival. This is much warmer than the ideal range for pond temperatures, which vary depending on the location’s … Read more

Can You Keep Minnows in a Pond?

Can You Keep Minnows in a Pond?

Minnows are a popular fish among many aquarists. They’re generally less expensive to buy in bulk and they make great companions for koi and other types of fish. But can you keep minnows in your outdoor pond? Do minnows thrive outside of an artificial environment? Is it possible to keep minnows in a pond? Yes, you … Read more

Can Rainbow Trout Live in Your Pond?

Can Rainbow Trout Live in Your Pond?

In this blog post, I will explore how to stock trout into your pond as well as what they need to survive. The first step is deciding whether or not your pond can support fish life. If it’s too shallow, then the water temperature won’t stay cool enough for these cold-blooded creatures. It also needs … Read more

Can Blue Crabs Live in a Freshwater Pond?

Can Blue Crabs Live in a Freshwater Pond?

Can blue crabs live in a freshwater pond? Blue crabs are amazing animals that can thrive in saltwater and freshwater. So, if you have a pond in your backyard, then they may be able to make it work. They need at least three feet of depth (shallow ponds will not work) and the temperature should … Read more