Does Algaefix Kill Beneficial Bacteria?

Does Algaefix Kill Beneficial Bacteria?

Bacteria are often viewed as harmful and unwanted guests in aquariums, but some bacteria are beneficial and necessary for a healthy tank. Algaefix is a popular chemical used to control algae growth, but some aquarists are concerned that it may also kill beneficial bacteria. Beneficial bacteria are important for the health of an aquarium. They … Read more

Are Freshwater Snails Dangerous to My Pond?

Are Freshwater Snails Dangerous to My Pond?

It is a common misconception that freshwater snails are dangerous to ponds since they consume plants and algae. There are, however, many different types of freshwater snails that can be beneficial while also being harmless. The most well-known type of freshwater snail is the apple snail, which is often used by gardeners for controlling algae … Read more

Why Does Pond Water Turn Red?

Why Does Pond Water Turn Red?

Ponds are bodies of water that are smaller than lakes or creeks, but larger than streams. Ponds are often found in forests, marshes, fields, lawns, and other open spaces. They can vary in size from a few feet to over 100 acres. A pond is surrounded by land on all sides and the only way … Read more

Does Copper Inhibit Algae Growth in Ponds?

Does Copper Inhibit Algae Growth in Ponds?

Algae is a problem in most ponds, where it can quickly grow out of control. The worst type of algae will release toxic substances into the water which may harm fish and other aquatic life. Copper sulfate is used to kill algae because it has an effect on photosynthesis in the algae cells by preventing … Read more